Mental Health, Oral Health & Sleep

Numerous studies have proven a link between a person's oral and mental health. The CDC's National Center for Health Statistics reports that half of all people with depression rate their teeth condition as fair or poor. A scientific review of related studies found a strong link between periodontal (gum) disease and mood conditions like stress, distress, anxiety, depression and loneliness.

While more frequent visits to the dentist are sure to improve your patient's oral health, at Epic Dentistry we take it a step further. We believe that both a person's oral and mental health concerns are often symptoms of an underlying sleep and breathing dysfunction, and that treating the sleep dysfunction may also help alleviate symptoms of a co-occurring mental health problem.

We offer personalized consultation, the latest in diagnostics, and full service sleep assessment and treatment from our Littleton, CO-based practice. When a patient comes to us with a sleep related concern, we conduct a review of the patient's medical history and do a full evaluation of the airway, teeth, muscles and joints. If the patient has not yet done a sleep study, Dr. Caulfield recommends an at-home sleep study which we provide directly through our office in an easy-to-use, take-home kit. Based on the findings, Dr. Caulfield will collaborate with an M.D. to diagnose the patient and recommend treatment options to improve their sleep and breathing quality.

Epic Dentistry's success treating sleep related issues has led Dr. Caulfield down a dual path; he continues to see and treat patients out of his Littleton-based practice, as well as partner with Vivos Therapeutics to educate and train dentists across the U.S. to incorporate sleep into their practices.

Following are a few quick links if you are interested in learning more about our philosophy and approach to treating sleep related issues:

If you believe that a patient has compromised sleep and/or breathing, you can be confident that we not only provide the best in care, but we will honor the relationship and the trust you have built with the patient so that you may continue to be their primary provider. The best way to achieve this is to fill out the form below to share your patient information and preferences. We will then schedule directly with the patient.

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