Jordan’s Journal: Hello everyone! This picture is a great representation of the difference between attrition, erosion, abrasion and abfraction. Below are definitions of what each of these are and what they are due to: Dental attrition is the wearing of the incisal or occlusal surfaces of teeth as a result of functional or parafunctional tooth-to-tooth contact. Dental abrasion is tooth wear originating from friction or mechanical forces from a foreign object, and it predominantly impacts premolars and canines. Abfraction is tooth wear from flexural forces such as clenching and grinding. Lastly, tooth erosion is the wearing away of the tooth surface by an acid, which dissolves the enamel and dentin. There are six primary causes of erosion such as ones diet, regurgitation, environmental, the flow of saliva, exposed dentin, and idiopathic.