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DTR Bite Balancing

Disclusion Time Reduction (DTR) Therapy is a specialized dental treatment procedure that requires the use of T-Scan in tandem with an EMG link to evaluate the force of a bite in relation to muscle activity. It is the most precise way to do bite adjustments in conjunction with dental restorations and in particular, for TMJ treatment.

The DTR technology is unlike any other in giving your dentist the ability to:
  • Identify overly engaged contacts during excursive movements 
  • Evaluate how muscles are firing during bite cycles 
  • Verify occlusal contacts that could be contributing to TMD symptoms 
  • Use data to guide adjustment procedures 
  • Objectively analyze the timing of disclusion
Having this data not only accelerates your treatment, but is the most effective way to ensure your road to recovery so you can be pain-free.

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